Friday, March 13, 2009

Just the usual...

It's officially March break now, we left the house really early in hopes we would avoid the traffic. I had a 9:30am appointment, totally forgot that I would have the kids today so it was a little tricky being at the donor clinic with three kids and a mother... The mother thankfully was more than happy to sit in the snacks room eating peak frean cookies and drinking juice while waiting for me. Then it was off to the TO hospital where I let my mother go on her merry way to the physio room without me because I had the kids with me. The risk of infection for people with suppressed immune systems is high and so while I know my kids at present are in good health and not infected with anything I choose to not let them go to the physio room while their Nana is exercising as to not interfere with anyone elses routine. And so we wandered through the hospital and found ourselves at the local gift shop buying candy and treats for the kids. Is it any surprise to anyone that my oldest "String Bean" bought himself an octopus in a bag of slime with the label "Fear Factor" on it? Nah, didin't think so...

Been enjoying the communication with my family out west by way of twitter. Twitter is best described as something like a short messenger service or SMS but for your desktop, handheld, cell phone or other portable device connected to the cloud. It allows you to broadcast short blurbs to your group of followers or friends... A nifty idea that is much more efficient than facebook which is absolutely filled with spam and unwanted applications now. I have linked my twitter updates with my facebook ones and since I use a plugin for pidgin to allow me to chat live with my facebook friends I rarely log onto facebook anymore.

The only exciting thing that happened today perhaps, as we were motoring along on Adalaide downtown TO a cab drive stomped on his gas pedal while I was changing lanes, he did not want me to have that turning lane for some reason so being the ignorant blork that I am on the road I accelerated and prevented his dominating manouver. He didin't like this much and I ended up with him next to me, both of us windows open calling each other idiots... I am purely of the opinion that most cab drivers just have this opinion that they are better drivers and are entitled to do whatever they want to do.. Including but not limited to stopping in the middle of traffic with 40 cars backed up behind them so they can pick up or drop off a fare. Cutting you off then slowing down by 20km/hr to stroll for prospective fares, and last but not least talk on their cell phone while doing the above mentioned things...

I don't claim to be a good driver, but I am almost sure I'm not the only crappy driver on the road and at 37 years old have never been involved in a car accident... (fingers crossed)

I somewhat finished a products flyer viewable at If you see something there you want send me an email and we can arrange payment and delivery... Those particular items are really time sensitive as the supplier sometimes sells them without notifying me...


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