OK so, today, this morning actually my mom and I were struck by fate and endured some long overdue payback I guess... It seems that there is this balance of course that always equals 100... could be 80% bad and 20% good in your day but it always seems to balance out to 100... or from some perspectives, a zero balance meaning no red ink, and no blue ink...
Hunky Dory... Where did that saying come from I wonder... Perhaps some old fashioned television show or something...
Anyhow on to the events of the day...
I had an appointment early in the day 9am with the principal of my kids school... Unfortunately this is also the same time they asked my mother to be at TO to do some Physio therapy before going for her tests... I had to be a good dad and choose my son's appointment over my mom's exercise... Sorry ma, but my kids will always be first priority :) None the less my mother and I were able to get to the hospital to get the PFT test, Xray, and Bloodtests which will be required on a weekly basis. The bad luck we ran into started when we were following a street car down King street in Toronto, a police cruizer was suspiciously close to me and following every inch of the way down the road... About twenty seconds into the low speed pursuit (approximately 5km per hour) the lights went on and I found myself at the side of the road shaking like a leaf on it's journey to the grown from the top of a 100 year old oak tree... Perplexed and wondering what I have done some things ran through my head as the 6 foot something officer walked cautiously up to my driver side window... First but not nearly the most exciting... "I've been framed for Marvin Acme's murder?" Marvin Acme in case you havn't already clued in is the owner of toon town... My next thought is "Nah, Roger Rabbit was already framed for that murder" So what the heck could this police man be pulling us over for? OHHHHHHH Man, that's gotta be it, during my mom's surgery I put a buck twenty five into the pop machine and the machine spit out two cans of coke at once... I didin't pay for the second can of coke... Swiftly I take the empty can that I still have in the drink tray of my car and whisk it under the seat... I roll down the window to greet him, hands still shaking and he says "How are you doing today..." Oh man the interrogation is killing me "Just tell me what I'm goin' down for and slap the cuffs on" It will certainly be easier than the head games cops play... He proceeds to tell me that the sticker on my car is expired and was due in February... "OH SHIT!" I tell him that my mother had a double lung transplant during the time period when I was suppose to renew that and of course with me being so busy with her care and all it slipped my mind.... "Uh Huh!, like I haven't heard that one a thousand times before"... Oh brother, he thinks I'm making it up... "Can I see your drivers license and registration please" As I slowly reach for the glove compartment I'm explaining verbally that I'm just reaching for the information he has requested... A gentle reminder to him that I'm not planning a great escape or anything... I hand over the little green folder with the information in it and almost as soon as I hand it over to him I realize that when we cleaned the car just a couple days prior I had removed all but that folder from the glove box and I think the pink slip he requires is still in a box in my garage... Yup, sure enough the officer says "You do have insurance right? this paper is expired..." OMG now I'm looking at the gun and thinking... If I run things will get worse... I smile nervously and assure him that I have the papers but they are at home... "You wait here and I'll be back in a moment..." Ohhh goody, the next twenty minutes were fun, wondering if this is the day I get my first appearance on the COPS television show... He returns with two nicely written, printed in fact peices of paper, one is "failure to produce valid insurance documents" $65.00, the other "Unregistered vehicle, no valid sticker displayed" UGHHHH $110.00
In a cold and wet tone of voice he says "You have 24 hours to produce your insurance papers..."
"Thank you" I say sarcastically but gentle enough so that I don't get the billy club to the side of my head...
As I roll up the window I say to my mom "OMG I can't afford this, then I drive off still shaking like a leaf...
The day got progressivly better... Parking was an unexpected $25.00 because I was parked during "CLINIC" hours and I was over the three hour limit by approximately .. Uhhh three minutes... Then while leaving the parking lot I drove into a pot hole that I am sure is responsible for many a damaged vehicles... KERPLUNK the tiny little wheel on my Kia barely makes it out of the hole... Cut off by several taxi's as per my usual TO day... But then... Yes then things started to look up when we got to the pharmacy where my mom bought all her pre transplant drugs. They all started to cheer and congratulate her as they saw her walking for the first time to the counter (usually I am pushing her in a wheel chair). The post office charged me 7 dollars for an item that I had calculated would cost 12 WOO HOO profit margin increases are always gravy... Then I arrive at the vehicle registration office expecting to be rejected because I didin't have the updated insurance information... The lady was smiling and flirty and she never asked me for the insurance papers... $75.00 later I have sticker in hand and I'm off to pick up the kids...
All in all, it was a good day! :)
Oh My I forgot to tell you that our now close friend in the hospital's lab was so excited for my mom she gave her a great big hug... And at the clinic appointment there are no signs of rejection or infection so my mom's doing great... Angina is under control, diabetes is under control and it's getting more and more difficult to keep up with the lady who only a few weeks ago was wheel chair bound...
Long winded perhaps, but we are all doing fine... Poor but fine... :)
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