Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Going to MaRS

ok it's not quite as exciting as it sounds... But here's the scoop!

Parking at the Toronto General Hospital is not only expensive at $25.00 for 3 or more hours, it is unhealthy. There is no sign of proper venthalation in the parkade and it reeks of exhaust fumes. So last week I hunted for an alternative. There is the princess margaret hospital, sick kids, the university etc but all of those would require dropping my mother off at the door, parking then meeting up with her. In the 20 minutes or so it takes to do all of this she can easily find herself in distress because of an oxygen tank failure etc. Not to mention if it's raining or snowing... So I found an alternative... Park on MaRS's parking lot! Then it's only a hop skip and a jump to the elevators in the Toronto general hospital... Oh, and MaRS is actually the convention centre next door to the hospital, but they are physically linked by a set of doors. Additionally the cost for the entire day till 5PM is a maximum of $15.00 so this is much more reasonable. Leaves extra cash in my pocket for the starbucks double chocholaty chip frappachino or however the heck you spell that...

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