Sunday, February 17, 2013

OK, just had to respond to something, I need to vent so to speak...  So imagine this, I'm minding my own business reading the usual comic stuff on facebook when along comes a post by a guy about circumcision...  Fair enough everyone's entitled to their opinions.  I happen to agree with the post itself, I believe there is no reason "Including medical" that young kids should be circumcised.  One of the responders to the post who is a woman claimed that her friend would get frequent yeast infections from her husband, however after he was circumcised she no longer got these infections....

OMFG, Are you kidding me?  When he was a little boy he should have been taught by his parents how to pull back the skin on his penis and clean underneath it. It is obviously a hygiene issue and is not because of his foreskin.  How ridiculous it, in this day and age where we have a high level of personal hygiene and medical science that can cure yeast infections even for a man..  Do you think that it's better to cut off a part of your body than to apply simple science and keep it clean!  It's a bit like Removing all your teeth because you may actually bite your partner's tounge... It's mutilation!  If you have a penis that has foreskin and your too disgusting to keep it clean then you should probably go talk to your doctor about cutting it off. Ehem the skin I mean, not the whole penis!  But seriously, the rest of us will take care of our own tools and with great respect for our wives we will keep them clean and healthy so that they don't get sick!

The bottom line here is, the only reason circumcision ever existed was because of religious reasons.  The foreskin has a function, it's not there by accident, it's not a birth defect...

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