Monday, April 27, 2009

Left handed weirdness

Today, I am blogging this with left handed weirdness...

Hmmm, just what is this nutty man telling me? Well it's quite simple, I have toggled the option in my computer's mouse settings to allow for left handed mouse operation. But why have I done this?

Well I have had for about 5 years now some carpal tunnel syndrome in my hands, the right hand always being the worst of the two, in fact when I was younger I had surgery to correct a tumor that had grown on my wrist and it has never quite been the same after that. Well with the new job requiring everything from the motion of operating a screw driver, to calibration of scales and such. My right hand has become extremely numb and quite useless as far as operating a mouse.

And so, now I am going to try to teach my now 37 year old brain how to use my left hand to operate the mouse. So far so good... I have instantly come to realize that left handed mouse operation has some serious benefits... While I may still operate the mouse like a person with severe motor skills issues, I can now write with pen in hand on a pad to my right while opening and closing windows on my computer screen with the left hand... Would also be very useful for holding the phone to my right ear while opening and closing windows with the left hand... The possibilities are... Ehem... Well not endless but there are a few perks...

I have been really enjoying the windy weather we have a lot of windows open in our home and have been able to really air out the place. Something I think every home should have the chance to do for health sakes...

Off I go now, to feed the turtle and enjoy the last two hours before work :)

Cheers and Cheerios!

BTW: This right justified text was just an added joke... :) Bah if I have to explain myself it's probably not that funny eh?

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