Friday, March 20, 2009

Yeah well...

Yeah I know it's been a long time since an update... All the buzz worn off? Well no not exactly, been really busy being exhausted and trying to finish the new office by Sunday. I was surprised the last couple days receiving facebook messages that I have not updated and one instant message... :) So here is a bit of an update for now, more after the kids go back to school...

March Break: For single parents this time must be either a blessing or a nightmare... If your single, you may ship them off for the break to be with their other parent and that may give you some time off... Or you may be on the receiving end and have the luxury of spending time with your beautiful children... For me however, I dragged all three of them to the hospital for the first part of the week it was a burden with three bored children trying to amuse them in the hospital was a no go. But then we found some excitement by Lake Ontario... Wading through all the garbage, and I'm not kidding about the garbage that washes up onto shore. We had a nice long walk down the path and two two separate parks along the beaches. I took some pictures although I won't be putting any of the kids on here, you can see the rather HUGE swan we met and a few vogue snapshots of some seagulls...

An update on mom:

For literally 11 years now, my mom has been sick, diagnosed close to 19 years ago her quality of life decreased slowly. Unlike the patients with fast deterioration she had time to adjust to her new way of life. It was almost normal to see her panting, purse lip breathing or just plain ol' struggling to do simple things like put her socks on in the morning. This had lead to a certain level of dependence on her part. No one wants to be dependent on others, no one wants to be a burden.

Post transplant we have come to some new and exciting crossroads in our lives. Previously being involved in so much of the care. Getting oxygen tanks ready, worrying about not having enough. Modifying our house so that she could live on a main floor that was not designed for this type of thing. It was not nearly as much a burden as one would think. Once again I remind you that over 11 years you slowly become introduced to the care... Then one day, POOF... she can walk again, talk without purse lip breathing etc... Total independence... And until Wednesday of this week that had not set into my mind as reality. I dropped her off for the first time by her self, expecting her to find her way through the hospital... Like a nervous father sending his child to school I walked her into the front doors and pointed to where she was suppose to go... "You go down that hallway mom" I was nervous as all heck but trying not to show her. "Turn into the first door on the left, that's the lab, tell them who you are and they will take care of you" I said with excitement in my voice. "Hey, maybe Francine will be there! Remember to say hi for me ok?" It hit me that I was doing what a parent usually does to instill confidence in their child. So then I drove off, leaving her on her own with cell phone in her hand, my phone number written on a peice of paper, and only God's angels to guide her to the right place. Ok perhaps the hospital signs would work just as well...

I arrived at the first park with the kids and barely got them situated then RING RING RING.. .my cell phone... My mom was lost... hahahahaa "Tell me where you are" I asked... "I'm looking at the booster juice.. " she says to me... hahahaha I laugh on the phone but then finish directing her to the elevators. I told her to call me when she got up to the 12 floor where she does her physio. So about an hour into it she calls and says she's upstairs... I ask her "What took you so long?" Oh I bought myself a muffin and a drink and just finished.

I guess I have nothing to worry about, her dependence on me is finally over, she is a free now and I have learned that. Now I just have to find something to do with my spare time. Perhaps get a job? Oh boy wouldn't that be a treat.... I've applied for many, heard back from none. Has the economy really slumped that far into the hole? I'm not looking to be a rocket scientist, just a plain ol' job where I can do some common task for people. Make some supplimentary income so we won't have to worry about the bills...

That's all for now,
Hope your all having a great day!

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