Sunday, February 15, 2009

Surgeon Came by to give us some good news.

The Thorasic surgeon came to speak to us and give us a promising update. They will perfuse the lungs for the next 3 hours (It is now 2:45pm) to see if they are suitable for transplant. The Lung Perfusion Study is something that we signed up for in hopes that it would provide some major improvements in the science of the future. We never dreamed that it would be so quick to begin helping people like us today. Toronto once again has pioneered the way through medical break through and we are so proud to be a part of that. Had we not been in the study group these lungs would not have been suitable and therefore would not have been presented to us as an option. As amazing as the donor and donor's family are to have given us this chance, to have given the gift of life, sometimes the organs just aren't suitable and we are prepared for that.

No matter what the outcome of the day, be it a sucessful transplant, a problematic one with good recovery overall, or even the possibility of death. Our family will move forward through all of it in the best way we know how... "Together!"

Now I need to find a way to kill off a few hours without stressing out over it all. Blogging does help but with the slow dial up connection it can be frustrating. I am unable to offer the same links to explainations about things such as the lung perfusion study itself so you'll have to do some googling. Just type in "Lung Perfusion Study Toronto General Hospital" should work just fine...


Next update will be when they take her into OR or if they come tell us it's not going to happen.

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