Sunday, July 20, 2014

Chickens, Chickens, Chickens... And then some...

Actually this isn't really about chickens, although this morning as I opened my eyes I was thinking about chicken.  Hungry I guess, but I imagined that there was a whole chicken on my BBQ slowly turning and so brown and delicious ....  Ugh, there I go again, straying.... Anyhow then as my mind often wanders I started to entertain the idea of stapling some chicken wire around the perimeter of my property and purchasing some chickens...

What a dumb idea...

Nah, I don't think I'm prepared to raise chickens just yet... Got too much going on and lately a trip to the doctor revealed that I had a kidney stone.  No surprise really I mean my diet has been a mess my whole life with this gluten intolerance thing I tend to eat a lot of protein and salty foods, not to mention the drug called dapsone I have taken my whole life to control dermatitis herpetiformis, who knows that that has done to my kidneys.

As it stands, 42 years old I do have a few medical issues although I consider them minor...  Diabetes type II, kidney function issues with a side of stones, high blood pressure (related to the Diabetes no doubt).  But other than that I feel I am relatively healthy as these are genetic and diet related illnesses I am in the drivers seat as to how much damage they will cause me and I feel I have been doing a good job in managing them...

Oh there is one more genetic thing I have but it is not showing it's signs, I only know I have it from a genetic test as a child...  Alpha 1 Antitrypsin deficiency, which is what took my mothers life...  Knowing I have it has made me cautious of all the irritants that can accelerate the illness.  And as far as I know I only have the gene markers that affect my lungs and not my liver...

The mini 110cc quad bike I have been repairing is completed with the exception of not having a place to put the battery...  Today I may finish working on that project so I can let my kids drive it around and have some fun...  Then I may sell it and put the money towards buying a road bike, not a Harley or anything that wild, but a nice cruiser I can take to work during the week.... Would save me 200 bucks in fuel per week and would be very relaxing even on rainy days :)

That's all the boring crap I have to share today :)

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