Monday, March 21, 2011

Day two...

Sunday morning, we, the family get ready in Brampton to go visit nanna.... Our expectation is that she will be groggy and unable to speak because of the intubation.... But despite this we hope to be able to wake her up and calm her down etc.... So away we go in the car... Grab a little Macdonalds for breakfast and head down to the hospital...

Nanna no longer looks grey and void of life... The color is back in her flesh and she is not cold to the touch in her hands and feet...  But she is, completely sedated... They sedated her because the fussing and panic can be really bad when you have a tube in your lungs helping you breat, and a central line in your neck going to your heart, not to mention the dozens of other tubes bringing fluid to and from every function of your body...

All day though, she remains sleepy and un wakeable despite the discontinuued sedation.

I finally take the family home at 7pm and we get a night of restles sleep...

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