Wednesday, March 31, 2010

A quick Peeve about television...

Ever notice that you could be watching a show, and then when a commercial comes on, suddenly the volume seems to have increased to an annoyingly BLASTING level?

Well, I've entertained a theory about this since I was a teenager... I always just figured that this was intentional on the television networks side.  Think about it!  When do you get up to take pee breaks?, Or to take that drink cup to the sink/dishwasher?  During commercials right? So naturally it makes sense from a broadcasters perspective to try to keep your attention on the television.  That last ditch effort for them to grab your attention with a familiar jingle etc... Hoping you will buy their products etc...

Just a thought!

1 comment:

Family Fun Calgary said...

That is my theory too. What good are commercials if you can't hear them in the john.... Cheers!