Friday, December 12, 2008

Microsoft's Brain Fart!

Imagine I build a new brand of car. Millions of them are sold, and occasionally when you get to a red light, as you slow down to stop your car suddenly stalls without warning. You have to start it back up again and sometimes the engine just turns over for a while before starting. So you take it to a garage and tell the mechanic.. "My car stalls without any apparent reason, just quits sometimes while I'm using it..." "In Fact" you say, "I think it's rather dangerous... " The mechanic looks at you and says yeah it's just the way this model of car is.. you'll just have to deal with it because there are problems deeply embedded in the makeup of the car that the manufacturer just isn't willing to deal with.

Out of Redmond Washington on November 18th, 2008 Microsoft announced their plans to release a free anti virus software solution that runs with such light resources that it can even function on a windows 98 machine... Uhhhh pardon me but guys Isn't this a decade too frickin' late? You create an entire line of computer operating systems that are riddled with problems and somehow manage to go from the extremely unstable 3.x versions to the fairly stable XP and now Vista and now suddenly you release this band aid solution to keep external problems out?

Now don't get me wrong, I've used the free windows defender for a few years now and feel that it has protected me quite well. But just how is this new project code named "Morro" suppose to be accepted by the thousands of people who avoided this operating system for stability and security reasons?

Rootkits, and trojans, spyware, and viruses... All have become sort of like the much anticipated car that stalls at every fourth or fifth red light. You just deal with it.... Reboot your computer and the problem will go away right?
Your solution is entirely toooooooooo late!

The other thing that bothers me, I have always felt that somehow the antivirus software developers of the world have had a hand in creating and or at least perpetuating both the virus scare and the streamlined code that makes up these nasty little "de"buggers... I mean come on, can you think of a better way of selling ice cream than to get all the teenaged kids in the neighborhood hooked on pot? Munchies anyone?

In closing, how is this going to affect companies like Mcaffee or Norton... I find it hard to believe that people are going to be continuing to renew their licenses when they can get protection right from the horses mouth... The demise of the anti virus software industry may happen quicker than you can say "Mass Lay Off's".

Anyhow, congrats Microsloth for finally including the protection that should have been built into your product from day one... I would not have minded a six floppy disk install instead of the five I received when I purchased windows 3.0 and probably wouldn't have seeked out an alternative operating system had yours not stalled at every fourth red light...

Oh and, Bahh Humbug day is approaching... UghhhH!

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