Monday, December 22, 2008

Kitchen Fire... Quick, Someone Email 911!

OK so here I am helping a neighbor to set up his surround sound system and digital television terminal. My mother so graciously agreed to keep an eye on the chicken I left cooking on a relatively low heat in the oven. "I'll be back in ten minutes" I say to her as I swoop up the fibre optic patch cord to bring perfect digital sound from his receiver to his surround sound amplifier.

The systems all hooked up and we are enjoying the preview. The phone rings and my neighbor says "Just a minute he's right here".

"Hello?" I say...

"It's just your mother, Ummm the chicken smells like it's well done here could you come check on it?"

"OK mom, I'll be right there."

Hopping through the snow banks like a 220 pound jack rabbit I pounce onto my front porch and then into the house. I look in the oven and see quite a lot of smoke but the chicken's not burned, it's only about half way cooked in fact. So I get the oven mitts like a good housewife... errr I mean househusband and I proceed to remove the 3 inch deep dish from the oven. As I lift and begin to remove the dish I spill about 1/3 of the liquid into the oven. With the elements red hot like they were it only took about half a second after I had safely placed the chicken on a wooden chopping board. I've done this a thousand times before but all that chicken fat... POOF instant flames. I slam the door shut on the oven but there are flames jetting out from the seal on the door. In an instant I ran to the garage door and quickly grabbed the ABC fire extinguisher we purchased this past summer and return to put the fire out. POOF a puff of white extinquisher powder puts the flames out instantly. No damage to anything whatsoever except...

The kitchen, most of the hallway and my mother's bedroom are now covered in a snowy layer of extinguisher powder. A non flamable but probably toxic or cancer causing. OMG

So if that's not bad enough the nurse shows up to change the IV pic line in her left arm because it sprung a leak. Blood and IV fluid everywhere... We safely put away the german sheppard dog but forgot to put the retarded cocker spaniel in another room so when she walked in she started yelling at us that she's been bit by a dog recently and that I was to put all animals away. Ughhhh my blood pressure was through the roof at this time but I remained calm and put the dog away then proceeded to clean the oven. Four hours later I had to break the news to my wife that I had made a bit of a mess...

Anyhow being the typical geek that I am I enjoy watching the IT crowd, a British comedy that I wish I could find new episodes of but none the less here is a clip from one episode that I found rather amusing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh Don...I always get a certain joy reading your blog posts. Something about seeing a rats butt & an IT guy reacting to a fire all on the same day, does my heart & makes me pee a bit when I laugh.

May God richly bless you and your family during the Christmas season & May those blessings continue into and through the New Year.
